Aster "Super Princess Blue".
Magnificent autumn bouquet!
An upright, branchy annual intended mainly for pruning and flower planting. Leaves are ovate, serrated, blue flowers, up to 80 cm high. A sunny place is required.
Sowing time:..
Dwarf chinese aster "Teisa Star Mix".
Plant height up to 25 cm. Blooms profusely from July to cold weather.
Aster "Uniсum" (multicolour mixture) - Callistephus chinensis.
Up to 20 inflorescences on one plant!
Aster with full-double, needle-shaped inflorescences of a beautiful shape up to 10 cm in diameter.
A bush of a bouquet form (60-70 cm hi..
Aster chrysanthemum "White Delight".
Chrysantella harmoniously combined the vitality and beauty of asters and chrysanthemums.
The plant is an annual plant, 60-80 cm high with a powerful thick stem, forms 10-15 second-order pedun..
Low-growing aster "Colored carpet".
An excellent undersized variety for carpet flower beds. The plant is compact, about 30 cm high, with a large number of side shoots.
Inflorescences are flat-rounded. Blooms profusely from July to frost. ..
Aster undersized "Pinocchio Pink".
Wonderful aster, retains high decorativeness in the garden for a very long time!
Very attractive, branched aster 20-25 cm high, compact in height, blooms profusely with small full pink flowers. ..
Aster "Milady Scarlet".
Dwarf aster with large double inflorescences.
The plant is 20-30 cm high, compact, strongly branched, sturdy stems. Inflorescences are chrysanthemum, terry, up to 10 cm in diameter, red.
Blooms in August-Sept..
Balcony Mix (low annuals).
A mixture of variegated, abundant and long-flowering plants with raised and drooping shoots, mainly intended for planting containers and boxes on balconies.
Plants are about 25 cm high, have a variety of colors and flower..
Barley - Easter grass.
It grows well in land or wate, which must be constantly wet. It's very tight 10 days before Easter.
The seeds are kept in warm conditions (preferably on the window). The grass grown is used to decorate the Easter table, t..
Kidnay bean "KONSTANTIN".
Medium early variety. The pods are light green, stringless, elliptical in cross-section and grow up to 18-20 cm.
The variety is suitable for a harvest of fresh pods, but also for seeds, which have a brown c..
Beetroot "Bordeaux 237".
The best variety for all regions!
Mid-early variety: growing season 70-120 days. Root crops are round and round-flat, weighing 230-500 g. Immersed in the soil at 1/2 height.
The pulp is dark burgundy, juicy, tend..
Beetroot "Red Sun" F1 - Beta vulgaris var. conditiva.
Modern mid-early (105-116 days from germination to technical ripeness) hybrid of beets. The rosette of leaves is small, erect.
Root crops are rounded, intense dark red in color, with d..
Red beet "Renova".
Mid-late to late variety, 130 days.
Cylindrical roots, flesh without distinct rings, fine taste.
For fresh market and preserving.
Good resistance to diseases and bolting.
A very fertile variety with cylindrically sha..
Red beet "Renova".
Mid-late to late variety, 130 days.
Cylindrical roots, flesh without distinct rings, fine taste.
For fresh market and preserving.
Good resistance to diseases and bolting.
A very fertile variety with cylindrically sha..
Beetroots Quartet: "Boltardy", "Detroit 2", "Tonda di Chioggia" and "Snowball" - mixture of productive varieties.
Grow in fertile, medium heavy, deeply tilled, permeable soil. Beetroot is sown directly into so..
Black Salsify "Duplex" - Scorzonera hispanica.
A valuable dietary product with a high content of vitamins and mineral salts.
Scorzonera is cold hardy and relatively drought tolerant. Forms a rosette of oblong-ovate leaves, 2-4 cm in ..
Maidenstears Sculpit - Silene inflata.
Perennial aromatic herb to flavor salads, egg dishes, risotto. Young leaves and shoots are commonly cooked or eaten raw in salads (they have a sweet, slightly bitter flavor) - that adds a fresh bite.
Blood amaranth "Autumn palette" - Amaranthus paniculatus.
An annual plant with powerful erect stems up to 120 cm tall.
The leaves are green, oblong-ovate with an elongated apex.
The flowers are collected in beautiful orange-red, spi..
Bonfire sage (dwarf mix) - Salvia splendens.
Compact variety with bright sparkling flowers!
A plant from the Lamiaceae family, forms a densely leafy, compact bush 20-25 cm high, with strong, dark green shoots. Flowers in whorls of 2-6, la..
Divine flower (colour mix) - Dianthus caryophyllus.
A popular biennial herbaceous plant for amateur flower gardens, forms well-developed bushes 30-60 cm tall.
The flowers are large: 6-8 cm in diameter, of various colours, with a delicate aroma. Blo..
Common Wheat (bio-seeds for microgreens and sprouting production) - Triticum aestivum.
A traditional healthy food product recognized all over the world - eating wheat sprouts normalizes the functioning of many body systems at any age.
We offer the ..
Broad bean "Aguadulce Supersimonia".
Beans are just a storehouse of vegetable protein, mineral salts, vitamins, calcium and iron.
Mid-early (from germination to technical maturity 71-89 days) variety. Plants are medium leafy, 1.1-1.2 m hi..
Green sprouting calabrese broccoli "Montop" F1 - Brassica oleracea botrytis cymosa.
Medium early, fertile hybrid variety not producing side shoots. Resistant to poor lighting conditions. The vegetation period is 75 days.
The inflores..
Broccoli - seed for germination.
Who would have thought you could grow broccoli as a nutrient-dense mini-plant for two weeks? This amazing microgreen can be one of the healthiest.
Broccoli as a microgreen is an incredible source of protein, and the..
Brussels sprouts "Red".
She will surprise and delight with the abundance and quality of purple-red cabbages!
The variety is frost-resistant, medium-late (100-110 days from germination to ripening). One plant forms 30-45 rounded, dense spr..